Shop rules

Store Regulations

These regulations define the general terms, rules, and the process of making purchases at the online store, operated by RP TRADEGROUP SP Z.O.O, located in Krakow, 30-554, at 10/1.5 Zamknięta Street. The company is registered in the National Court Register under KRS number: 0000793365, NIP: 5213870495, REGON: 383797059.

General Provisions

  1. RP TRADEGROUP SP Z.O.O, located in Krakow, 30-554, at 10/1.5 Zamknięta Street, is the SELLER and OWNER of the store. The company is registered in the National Court Register under KRS number: 0000793365, NIP: 5213870495, REGON: 383797059.
  2. Phone: +48513446487
  3. Email Address:
  4. Whenever the regulations refer to the terms specified below, they should be understood as:
    • Working Day - means a day of the week from Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.
    • Delivery - the actual activity aimed at delivering the product ordered by the customer from the store through a carrier.
    • Carrier – the entity responsible for delivering goods: DPD courier company.
    • Registration Form – a form available on the online store that enables the creation of an account.
    • Order Form – an interactive form available on the online store, through which it is possible to place an order, i.e., select and add chosen products to the electronic cart.
    • Password – a sequence of characters, letters, numbers, or others chosen by the customer during voluntary registration and account creation on the online store, used to secure access to the customer's account.
    • Customer – (1) a natural person; or (2) acting through an authorized person; or (3) a legal entity; or (4) an organizational unit without legal personality, which has legal capacity and full legal capacity to perform legal acts. In the case where a natural person with limited legal capacity is a customer, they undertake to obtain the legally effective consent of their legal representative to conclude a service agreement/sales agreement and provide such consent at the seller's request.
    • Consumer – a natural person performing a legal act with an entrepreneur not directly related to their economic or professional activity (acquiring goods for personal use).
    • Entrepreneur with Consumer Rights – a natural person conducting business activity, concluding a sales agreement directly related to their business activity, when the content of this agreement does not have a professional character, resulting in particular from the subject of their economic activity, based on the provisions of the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity. All regulations regarding orders placed by customers qualifying for this group are found in Chapter XI of these regulations.
    • Civil Code – the Civil Code Act of April 23, 1964, with subsequent amendments.
    • Account – an individual panel created for the customer, identified by an individual name (login) and password provided by the customer during registration, where data provided by the customer and information about orders placed by them in the online store are stored.
    • Login – an individual customer identifier, the correct email address of the customer. It is required along with a password to create and access the customer's online store account.
    • Product – a movable item or service available in the online store.
    • Regulations – these regulations of the online store.
    • Registration – an actual act performed as specified in the regulations, required for the customer to use all the functionality of the online store. Registration is not required to place an order in the online store.
    • Online Store – the seller's online store, operating at the domain
    • Seller – RP TRADEGROUP SP Z.O.O, located in Krakow, 30-554, at 10/1.5 Zamknięta Street, registered in the National Court Register under KRS number: 0000793365, NIP: 5213870495, REGON: 383797059.
    • Sales Agreement – an agreement for the sale of a product concluded or to be concluded at a distance between the customer and the seller through the online store, based on the provisions of the online store regulations.
    • Consumer Rights Act – the Act of May 30, 2014, on consumer rights (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827, as amended).
    • Order – the customer's declaration of intent, submitted using the online store's order form, aimed at concluding a sales agreement for a product with the seller.
  5. RP TRADEGROUP SP Z.O.O with its registered office in Krakow, 30-554, at 10/1.5 Zamknięta Street, holds all rights to the online store, including proprietary copyrights, intellectual property rights to its name, its internet domain, and the website of the store. The name and logo are legally protected assets, and any use of them without prior written consent is prohibited.
    • The photos and descriptions in the offers (except for photos presented in the online store for product presentation, for which copyright belongs to third parties) belong to the seller, and their use or copying can only occur with the seller's consent.
    • The prices listed in the online store are in Polish Zloty and include VAT. Prices do not include shipping costs. The customer is informed about delivery costs on the pages of the online store when placing an order.


  1. To place orders in the online store, it is not necessary to create an account and register.
  2. To create an account, the customer is required to undergo voluntary and free registration.
  3. Registration involves the customer filling out the registration form (My Account information) provided by the seller on the online store's website, setting an individual password, approving and saving the data by electronically submitting the completed registration form to the seller. Registration approval is done by selecting and clicking on the appropriate function in the registration form.
  4. After reviewing the terms and conditions, the customer accepts their content by selecting the appropriate option in the registration form.
  5. During registration, the customer consents to the processing of their personal data and communication via email, solely for purposes related to order fulfillment.
  6. Upon approval and submission of the completed registration form, a confirmation of registration in the online store is sent to the customer's email address provided in the registration form. From that moment, the customer has access to their customer account, can view order history, leave product reviews in the online store, and make changes to the data provided during registration, except for the login.
  7. The seller will never request the customer to share their password.
  8. By registering and placing an order, the customer declares that:
    • They have read and accepted the terms and conditions.
    • The data provided in the registration form is accurate.
    • They consent to the processing of the provided data for purposes related to order fulfillment.
    • They consent to receiving information generated by the system and information from the service provider regarding order fulfillment at the provided email address.


  1. To place an order in the online store, having an active email account is necessary.
  2. The information provided in the online store does not constitute an offer from the seller, as defined by the Civil Code.
  3. The conclusion of a sales contract between the customer and the seller occurs after the customer submits an order using the order form in the online store.
  4. The customer receives a sales document in the form of a receipt or a VAT invoice, provided they have indicated their desire to receive a VAT invoice and have provided the necessary data for this purpose.
  5. Orders can be placed electronically using the order form in the online store 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:
    • When placing an order through the online store, the customer selects products and their quantity to add to the cart. After completing the order, the customer chooses the delivery method, approves it with the "To Checkout" command, and receives a sales receipt. The customer then selects the delivery address and payment method for the chosen products and has the option to add comments and information to the order. Submission of the order form is done by selecting the "Confirm Order" button. The customer is informed of the total price for the goods, delivery, and any additional costs associated with the sales agreement each time.
    • Individual products may require additional information such as color or size. In such cases, please provide specific details in the order comments.
    • Placing an order constitutes the customer's submission of an offer to the seller to conclude a sales agreement for the ordered items. The seller undertakes to transfer ownership of the goods and deliver them to the buyer, while the buyer undertakes to accept the goods and pay the agreed price to the seller.
    • After placing an order, the customer receives a confirmation of order acceptance from the online store to the provided email address. At the same time, the seller accepts the order for execution. Upon receiving the email confirmation of order receipt and processing, a sales agreement is concluded between the customer and the seller.


  1. The seller offers the following payment methods for ordered goods in the online store:
    • Electronic payment (online): PayPal
    • Debit or credit card payment: Visa, Mastercard.
  2. In the case of choosing bank transfer or electronic payments, the customer is required to make the payment within 3 business days from the date of concluding the sales agreement.
  3. In the event of the customer failing to make the payment within the specified period, the seller will set an additional deadline for payment and notify the customer via email. After this deadline, if the customer does not make the payment, the seller will withdraw from the sales agreement and remove the order from the online store, notifying the customer accordingly via email.


  1. The seller undertakes to deliver the goods without defects.
  2. The delivery of the product to the customer is free of charge unless the sales agreement specifies otherwise.
  3. Every item available in stock is shipped within 3 business days from the date of payment confirmation (for bank transfers and electronic payments). In case a product is unavailable, the delivery time is extended. Exceptions are items that are marked as "on request," and the customer will be informed about the order's execution time by the seller individually via telephone or email.
  4. The seller provides the following delivery methods for products ordered in the online store:
    • By the DPD courier company to the specified address.
  5. The ordered product is delivered to the address provided by the customer.
  6. After sending the ordered product to the customer, the seller promptly informs the customer of this fact via the email address provided during the order placement.
  7. The seller properly and carefully secures the shipment during transportation. However, if the shipment is incomplete, defective, or damaged, the customer should immediately notify the seller of this fact. If the shipment arrives at the customer's location indicating damage or loss during transportation, the customer has the right to request the carrier to draw up the appropriate protocol.
  8. All shipments sent by the online store are insured. In the event of loss or misplacement, the seller takes full responsibility. In such cases, the customer will receive either a full-value replacement of the goods or a refund.
  9. In the event of the customer not receiving the shipment and it being returned to the seller, the seller will contact the customer by phone or email to arrange the re-delivery of the ordered products, including discussing the associated costs.

Warranty and Complaints

  1. In the event of a defect, a consumer and an entrepreneur with consumer rights can submit a complaint to the seller regarding the warranty and demand one of four actions: exchange of the product for a new one, repair of the product, price reduction, or withdrawal from the contract - provided that the defect is significant. The choice of request depends on the consumer. If the seller disagrees with this choice, they may propose an alternative solution, considering the following circumstances:
    • Ease and speed of exchanging or repairing the product.
    • The nature of the defect - significant or insignificant.
    • Whether the product has been previously complained about.
  2. To exercise their warranty rights for a faulty product, the consumer may:

    A) Submit a statement requesting a price reduction or withdrawal from the sales contract, unless the seller immediately and without undue inconvenience to the customer replaces the faulty product with one free of defects or rectifies the defect. The seller's exchange of the product or rectification of the defect does not apply if the product (subject to the warranty) has already been replaced or repaired by the seller or if the seller has not fulfilled the obligation to exchange the product for one free of defects or rectify the defect. The customer may, instead of the seller's proposed rectification of the defect, request the exchange of the product for one free of defects or the rectification of the defect unless bringing the product into conformity with the contract in the manner chosen by the customer is impossible or would require excessive costs compared to the method proposed by the seller. When assessing the excessiveness of costs, the value of a defect-free product, the nature and significance of the detected defect, and the inconvenience to which the customer would be exposed with the other solution are taken into account. The request for a price reduction should be accompanied by the amount by which the price should be reduced (taking into account the value of the product with a defect and the value of a defect-free product).

    B) Request the exchange of the faulty product for one free of defects or rectification of the defect. The seller is obliged to exchange the faulty product for one free of defects or rectify the defect within a reasonable time, without undue inconvenience to the customer.

The seller may refuse to satisfy the customer's request if bringing the faulty product into conformity with the sales contract in the manner chosen by the customer is impossible or, compared to the other possible solution, would require excessive costs, e.g., requesting the exchange of an entire device for a new one when the damage concerns a single low-value element. The costs of repair or replacement are borne by the seller. The seller is responsible for warranty claims if a physical defect is found within two years of delivering the product to the customer. The right to request the rectification of a defect or the exchange of a faulty product for one free of defects or to submit a statement regarding a price reduction due to a defect expires one year from the date of detecting the defect, but not earlier than the deadline specified above. In this period, the customer may withdraw from the sales contract or submit a statement requesting a price reduction due to a product defect. If the customer requested the exchange of the product for one free of defects or the rectification of the defect, the deadline for withdrawing from the sales contract or submitting a statement about a price reduction commences upon the ineffective expiry of the deadline for exchanging the product or rectifying the defect.


  1. The buyer can submit complaints to the seller (including notices of non-compliance of the product with the sales contract or requests for a method to bring the product into conformity with the sales contract or a statement of a price reduction or withdrawal from the sales contract) in writing using one of the following methods:

A) In writing to the seller's registered office address: RP TRADEGROUP SP. Z.O.O with registered office in Kraków 30-554, at ul. Zamknięta 10/1.5

B) Electronically to the email address:

A properly submitted complaint that enables a quick response from the seller should include:

  • The buyer's first name, last name, address, email address, and contact method (e.g., phone number).
  • Information and circumstances regarding the subject of the complaint: the type and time of occurrence of non-compliance (defect) along with the buyer's request.
  • The date of concluding the contract, or proof of purchase.

These requirements are only recommendations to expedite and make the complaint process more effective. They do not affect the effectiveness or validity of the complaint. If the information provided by the customer regarding the complaint requires clarification, the seller will contact the customer to request additional details and explanations.

The seller will address the customer's complaint within 14 calendar days from the date of receiving it. Failure to respond within this period automatically deems the complaint as valid.

If, in order to respond to the customer's complaint or exercise rights under the warranty, it is necessary to deliver the product to the seller, the customer will be asked (in writing) by the seller to deliver the product at the seller's expense (to the seller's address).


  1. Products sold in the online store may be covered by a warranty provided by the manufacturer of the product or distributor. The warranty does not limit the other rights of the consumer.
  2. Each product's warranty coverage is provided in the product description in the online store.
  3. To enforce warranty rights, consumers should follow the information contained in the warranty card.

Withdrawal from the Sales Contract

According to the Act of May 30, 2014, on Consumer Rights:

  1. A consumer and an entrepreneur with consumer rights who has entered into a distance contract can withdraw from it within 14 calendar days from the date of taking possession of the purchased product, without providing a reason and without incurring any costs, except for the cost of returning the product. The withdrawal period expires after 14 calendar days from the date the consumer or a third party indicated by them, other than the carrier, takes possession of the goods.
  2. The consumer must inform the seller, RP TRADEGROUP SP Z.O.O with registered office in Kraków 30-554, ul. Zamknięta 10/1.5, about their decision to withdraw from the contract in an unambiguous manner.
  3. A declaration of withdrawal from the contract can be made to the seller:
    1. A) In writing to the seller's registered office address: RP TRADEGROUP SP Z.O.O with registered office in Kraków 30-554, ul. Zamknięta 10/1.5
    2. Electronically to the email address:

      To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for the consumer to send the declaration before the expiry of the withdrawal period.
  4. Upon receiving the declaration of withdrawal, the seller will immediately confirm it to the consumer on a durable medium, using electronic mail.
  5. In the case of withdrawal from a distance contract, the contract is considered not concluded.
  6. The seller must refund all payments made by the consumer, including the cost of delivery of the product, immediately and in any case no later than 14 calendar days from the date of receiving the consumer's statement of withdrawal from the contract. The seller will use the same method of payment as used by the consumer for the initial transaction, unless the consumer has expressly agreed to a different solution, which does not involve any costs for them.
  7. The consumer must return the product to the seller immediately, no later than within 14 calendar days from the day of withdrawal from the contract. To meet the deadline, it is sufficient to send back the product before the expiry of this period. The consumer bears the direct cost of returning the product.
  8. The consumer is liable for any diminished value of the product resulting from the handling of the product in a manner other than necessary to establish the nature, characteristics, and functioning of the product. The consumer has the right to examine the character, features, and functioning of the product in the same way as they would be able to do in a physical store. However, they cannot use the product extensively. If they use it excessively, the entrepreneur may charge them for the decrease in the product's value. According to Article 38 of the Consumer Rights Act, the right of withdrawal from an agreement concluded outside the entrepreneur's premises or at a distance does not apply to agreements:
A) for the provision of services if the trader has fully performed the service and the consumer has agreed beforehand that once the service is fully performed they will lose the right to withdraw from the contract;
B) where the price or remuneration depends on financial market fluctuations over which the trader has no control and which may occur before the withdrawal period expires;
C) for the supply of goods made to the consumer's specifications or clearly personalized;
D) for goods which are likely to deteriorate or expire rapidly;
E) for sealed goods which are not suitable for return due to health protection or hygiene reasons and were unsealed after delivery;
F) for goods which, after delivery, are, according to their nature, inseparably mixed with other items;
G) for alcoholic beverages, the price of which has been agreed upon at the time of the conclusion of the sales contract, the delivery of which can only take place after 30 days and the actual value of which depends on fluctuations in the market over which the trader has no control;
H) where the consumer has specifically requested a visit by the trader for the purpose of carrying out urgent repairs or maintenance; where the trader provides services other than those for which the consumer has requested or when supplying goods, other than replacement parts necessary for the performance of maintenance or repairs, the right to withdraw shall apply to those additional services or goods;
I) for the supply of sealed audio or sealed video recordings or sealed computer software which were unsealed after delivery;
J) for the supply of digital content which is not supplied on a tangible medium if the performance has begun with the consumer's prior express consent and their acknowledgment that they thereby lose their right of withdrawal;
K) for contracts made at a public auction;
L) for the provision of accommodation other than for residential purposes, transport of goods, car rental services, catering, or services related to leisure activities if the contract provides for a specific date or period of performance;
M) for the supply of digital content which is not supplied on a tangible medium if the performance has begun with the consumer's prior express consent and their acknowledgment that they thereby lose their right of withdrawal.


Out-of-court complaint resolution and claim procedures, and access to these procedures

  1. Detailed information regarding the options available to consumers for out-of-court complaint resolution and claims procedures, as well as the rules for accessing these procedures, are available at the offices and websites of district and municipal consumer ombudsmen, social organizations dedicated to consumer protection, regional inspectorates of the Trade Inspection Authority, and on the website of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (
  2. A consumer has the option to utilize out-of-court methods for resolving complaints and claims, such as those specified on the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection website:


  1. This section of the regulations solely concerns customers who are not consumers. In the case of a customer who is not a consumer, the seller has the right to require full or partial prepayment. The seller is not liable for delays in delivery caused by the chosen carrier (supplier).
  2. Customers who are not consumers are obligated to inspect the shipment upon receipt for its contents and any transportation damage. If any discrepancies or damage are found, the customer is required to inform the seller and potentially create a damage report with the carrier (supplier).
  3. Pursuant to Article 558 § 1 of the Civil Code, the seller's liability under warranty for product defects is excluded concerning customers who are not consumers. Any disputes between the seller and a customer who is not a consumer fall under the jurisdiction of the court relevant to the seller's registered office.

Entrepreneurs with consumer rights

Entrepreneurs with consumer rights, i.e., individuals conducting business activities, are subject to consumer protection in three areas:

  1. Expanded rights regarding warranty for product defects – in this case, the mechanisms described in Chapter VI, Warranty and Complaints, apply.
  2. The right to withdraw from a distance contract within 14 days without providing a reason. Products excluded from returns are detailed in Chapter VIII, Withdrawal from a Sales Contract, Sections A) to M).
  3. Exemption from abusive clauses related to entrepreneurs.
  4. To be eligible for consumer protection, individuals conducting business activities must meet one condition: the agreement they enter into with the seller cannot have a professional character, i.e., it cannot directly concern the seller's industry specialization.

Final provisions

  1. The content of the online store's offer and contracts concluded through it are prepared in the Polish language.
  2. RP TRADEGROUP SP Z.O.O, with its registered office at UL. ZAMKNIĘTA 10/1.5, 30-554 KRAKÓW, assures that all data obtained from customers is used solely for the purpose of fulfilling sales contracts concluded through the online store. Information on privacy and security is provided in the "Privacy Policy" section on the online store's website.
  3. The seller reserves the right to make changes to these regulations for important reasons, such as changes in applicable legal regulations, changes in delivery and payment methods. These changes will not affect the rights acquired prior to the effective date of the regulation changes for customers who are consumers. Regulation changes will not affect orders already placed and contracts already in progress.
  4. Every customer has the right to negotiate prices and conditions of purchase for selected products before placing an order.
  5. The seller adheres to the provisions of the Civil Code and other laws applicable to online sales.
  6. In cases not covered by these regulations, generally applicable provisions, especially:
  • The Civil Code,
  • The Act on Rendering Electronic Services of July 18, 2002 (Journal of Laws 144, item 1204, as amended in 2002),
  • The Consumer Rights Act of May 30, 2014 (Journal of Laws 2014, item 827, as amended),

shall apply.

Contact information

  1. Company: RP TRADEGROUP SP Z.O.O, NIP 5213870495
  2. UL. ZAMKNIĘTA 10/1.5 30-554 KRAKÓW, POLAND
  3. Phone: +48 515 081 447 – Office, +48 516 346 454 – Manager, +48 513 446 487 – Director
  4. Email: